A well delivered, relevant and clear Introduction to cancer course in Exeter – evaluations

A well delivered, relevant and clear Introduction to cancer course in Exeter – evaluations

A well delivered, relevant and clear Introduction to cancer course in Exeter – evaluations

South West Admin Oncology Training ‘An Introduction to Cancer’

A summary of feedback – Exeter RILD 13th September 2022


What part of the training event did you find the most useful?

  • The use of visual aids and interaction from the speaker really helped with understanding and absorbing the information.
  • The teaching was well delivered and relevant, with clear explanations around certain terminology and abbreviations, giving me a better understanding to help me progress within my administrative role.

What three things will you take away from the training event?

  • What Cancer is and how it develops and spreads
  • The grading and staging of cancer
  • The confidence to be able to support my team with decisions regarding the Cancer patients care

The training event would have been better if,,,

  • There had been more opportunity for smaller group work/discussion.
  • More images of cells to see the difference in them, including radiological images.
  • More site-specific information.


Any other comments

  • I will leave feeling more knowledgeable and prepared to do my job.
  • David’s lecturing style is fantastic! As non-clinical staff, being able to understand terminology is so empowering.
  • Well worth my time and travel.
  • Would recommend this to anyone starting out a career in Cancer Services.
  • The organisation has been most professional. I will be urging my colleagues to attend future training sessions.
  Strongly disagree  Disagree Agree Strongly


The training event today has increased my knowledge of cancer, treatment options & disease progression 0 0 3 30
I found the training event a good use of my time 0 0 7 26
I am confident that the training event today will better enable me to deliver our cancer objectives 1 3 10 19
The training event was well organised and facilitated 0 0 11 22



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